
Workbench Level 2

24 Last 2033 Year...

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The tier 2 Work bench allows you to craft mid-game weapons, armor, and building parts while in the vicinity of the work bench. Uses the same amount of space like the Tier One Workbench

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Code lock

The code lock is used to lock doors, hatches, and storage crates. Players may set a new four-digit PIN if the lock is unlocked. Once locked, an LED on the keypad will change to red, indicating its status. Other players may attempt to gain access to a locked item by typing in a PIN in the keypad. If they are correct, a short beep will emit from the lock, and the player will subsequently have permanent access to the locked item (assuming the code isn't changed). If the player guesses incorrectly, a failure beep will play alongside an electric arc animation on the keypad, and the player will take increasing increments of damage until they wait long enough or die. Guest codes may be set on unlocked locks (make sure it's locked after setting the code!), which allows other players access to the locked item without the ability to unlock, remove, or change the code. Unlocked Code Locks may be removed or have a new password set by any player.


Supply signal

A purple smoke grenade that calls in an airdrop somewhere in a small radius around it. Can be found rarely in Military and Elite Crates. When you use this item, it will release a purple smoke that can let players who in far away know that there are someone just call a airdrop. Cargo Plane will show somewhere in sky and will release the airdrop to your location shortly Calling for airdrop to your base with high walls or monument (water pump stations, oilrig)is a right choice, because that other players won't steal your loot


Hazmat suit

The Hazmat Suit allows the wearer to travel through rad-towns and other irradiated areas safely. While it doesn't provide full protection in certain places at monuments, such as the main building at Launch Site, or the cooling tower at the Nuclear Power Plant, it offers protection from radiation poisoning at almost every other monument on the map, making it useful for exploring. The suit itself is a bright yellow color, meaning it is easy to spot from a distance.